This course is provided for storing and sharing information and materials concering FD/SD and related topics. Internal use only.
- Coordinator: NISHIDA Shingo
- Coordinator: SAITO Jun (斉藤 準)
- Coordinator: 帯広畜産大学 学生支援課
- Coordinator: 橋本 靖
- Coordinator: 此川 洋平
- Coordinator: 石井 利明
- Coordinator: 豊留 孝仁 (トヨトメ タカヒト) (Takahito Toyotome)

- Teacher: SAITO Jun (斉藤 準)

This is a course template. You can copy (restore) this and get ready to set up your own course by editing and replacing partially the content.
- Teacher: SAITO Dummy